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IGCP 503
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33rg International Geological Congress, Oslo, August 2008



Final Closing Meeting, Copenhagen, 31 August - 4 September

Copenhagen, Denmark

August 31 – September 4, 2009

Abstracts: DOWNLOAD
Circular: DOWNLOAD
Conference website:

A group photo from pre-conference excursion to Oslo Region (courtesy to Helje Pärnaste):


7th Baltic Stratigraphical Conference

Tallinn, Estonia

May 15–22, 2008 (including excursions)

Abstracts and Field Guide: DOWNLOAD
Second Circular: DOWNLOAD
First Circular: DOWNLOAD
Conference website:

North American Regional Meeting -- cancelled

Anticosti, Canada

May 29 - June 5, 2008

2nd Circular (.pdf)
1st Circular (.pdf)

International Congress "Palaeozoic Climates"
IGCP 503 Closing Meeting

Lille, France

August 25–29, 2008

Lille group photo

The Congress will serve as Closing Meeting of the International Geoscience Programme (IGCP) n° 503 ‘Ordovician Palaeogeography and Palaeoclimate’ and is co-sponsored by the IGCP n° 497 ‘The Rheic Ocean : its Origin, Evolution and Correlatives’ and n° 499 ‘Devonian land-sea interaction : evolution of ecosystems and climate’.

  • August 23-24: Pre-conference excursion : Lower Palaeozoic of Belgium and northern France (Brabant, Condroz, Ardennes)
  • August 25-26: Lower Palaeozoic Climates, Sea-Levels and Biodiversity (Closing Session IGCP 503)
  • August 27: Plenary Session : Palaeozoic Climates, with invited keynote speakers
  • August 28-29: Upper Palaeozoic Climates, Sea-Levels and Biodiversity
  • August 30-31: Post-conference excursion : Upper Palaeozoic of Belgium and northern France (Avesnois, Meuse Valley, Ardennes)

Download 3rd Circular

Download flyer

T. Servais <

International conference “Development of Early Paleozoic biodiversity: role of biotic and abiotic factors, and event correlation”

Moscow, Russia

26-28 June 2008: The meeting in Moscow 30 June - 11 July 2008: Post conference excursion in Altai

Circulars are available for download:

2nd Circular and Registration Form
1st Announcement of the Moscow meeting
1st Circular of the Altai excursion

33rd International Geological Congress

Oslo, Norway

August 5–14, 2008


Lyell Meeting 2007

London, U.K.

February 21, 2007: the Meeting

The meeting is labelled as a contribution towards IGCP Project n° 503 "Ordovician Palaeogeography and Palaeoclimate" and will be convened by Mike Bassett.

More information is available at the Geological Society of London homepage.

10th International Symposium on the Ordovician System, 3rd International Symposium on the Silurian System, and IGCP 503 Annual Meeting

Nanjing, China

June 27-30, 2007: the Meeting

This meeting will be held together with the 10th International Symposium on the Ordovician System and the 3rd International Symposium on the Silurian System in Nanjing, China. The meeting will take place from June 27 to June 30, 2007, with pre-, mid- and post-conference field excursions.

Download 1st Circular
Download 2nd Circular
Download 3rd Circular and Programme

1st International Palaeobiogeography Symposium

Paris, France

July 2007

The co-leaders of IGCP 503 recently accepted to be present at the 1st International Palaeobiogeography Symposium with a special session dedicated to the Lower Palaeozoic. This meeting is scheduled from Tuesday July 10 to Friday, July 2007.

Download 1st Circular

Conference website

9th WOGOGOB (WOrking Group on the Ordovician Geology Of Baltoscandia)

Uppsala, Sweden

August 17-20, 2007

The 9th Meeting of WOGOGOB (WOrking Group on the Ordovician Geology Of Baltoscandia) will take place in Rättvik, Sweden on August 17-20, 2007 (including a pre-meeting field trip in the Siljan District on the 17th, and a post-meeting field trip to Jämtland on the 20th. Thus the meeting will return to the place it started now nearly 20 years ago. There will be two days of technical sessions, to be held in Rättvik in the Siljan area. Further information will be posted on an upcoming web page.


  • Abstract volume (Because of a copyright agreement between the organisers and the Swedish Geological Survey, the PDF file of the abstracts for WOGOGOB 2007 is removed. Please contact the organisers (e-mail: for further inquiries.)
  • Registration form
  • 2nd Circular
Conference website

4th European Meeting on Palaeontology and Stratigraphy of Latin-America and
IGCP 503 Regional Meeting and Fieldtrip

Zaragoza, Spain

17-19 September 2007

Two meetings that will be co-sponsored by IGCP 503 will be organized by Enrique Diaz-Martinez and Enrique Villas (and colleagues), respectively, in Madrid and Zaragoza:
4th European Meeting on Palaeontology and Stratigraphy of Latin-America, September 12-15, 2007
- Tuesday 11th: arrival and welcome reception in Madrid (Spain)
- Wednesday 12th and Friday 14th: technical sessions at the Spanish Geological Survey (Tres Cantos, 20 km north of Madrid)
- Thursday 13th: choice of fieldtrips (included in registration): Palaeozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic
- Saturday 16th: optional fieldtrip to Aliaga Geological Park (member of European GeoPark Network)
IGCP Project 503 Regional Meeting and Fieldtrip, September 17-19 2007.
- Sunday 16th: arrival welcome and reception in Zaragoza (Spain)
- Monday 17th: regional meeting at the University of Zaragoza
- Tuesday and Wednesday 18th-19th: fieldtrip to the Early Palaeozoic of the Iberian Ranges

Zaragoza 2007, 2nd Circular (.doc)
Zaragoza 2007, 1st Circular


The Second International Palaeontological Congress

Beijing, China

June 17-21, 2006

The Second International Palaeontological Congress will take place in June 2006 at Bejing, China. The session T4 is sponsored by IGCP 503: Ordovician World: temporal and spatial changes in physical and biotic environments (IGCP 503). This session will be convened by Li Jun and Thomas Servais.

Symposium "Paleogeography and Global Correlation of the Ordovician Events" (PGCOE)

Novosibirsk, Russia

August 1-15, 2006

The Symposium "Paleogeography and Global Correlation of the Ordovician Events" (PGCOE) is proposed to take place in Novosibirsk in August, 2006, with the collaboration of the Palaeontological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences of Moscow. The meeting, co-sponsored by IGCP 503, includes a field trip to the Kulyumbe River section.
1st Circular

IGCP 503 Annual Meeting

Glasgow, Scotland

August 29 - September 1, 2006: the Meeting
September 2-4, 2006: Excursion to southern Scotland

This will be our main meeting in 2006 and it will be organised by Alan Owen.  The main part of the conference will be from 30 August to 1 September with registration on Tuesday 29 August. There will be an afternoon mid-conference excursion and various evening social events including a whisky tasting. In addition, there will be a one-day pre-conference excursion including the Ordovician-Silurian boundary stratotype section at Dob's Linn on Tuesday 29 August and a 3-4 day post-conference excursion concentrating on the classical Ordovician and Silurian successions in southern Scotland at Girvan and in the Pentland Hills.
The main focus of the meeting will be on changing palaeogeographical and palaeobiogeographical patterns in the Ordovician and Silurian, but contributions on any topic relevant to the aims of IGCP 503 will be welcome.

Alan Owen (


Gondwana 12 (International Conference), Mendoza, Argentina

Mendoza, Argentina

November 1-5, 2005: Field Trip to Precordillera Terrane, Western Argentina
November 6–11, 2005: The Meeting

The Gondwana 12 Conference will be held in Mendoza, Argentina, 6-11 November 2005, as a joint venture between Argentina, Brazil and Chile. These are countries with a large community of geoscientists involved in different aspects of Gondwana research. They also have geological exposures of worldwide interest, to which it will be possible to organize an appropriate range of field excursions. Moreover, Argentina has the largest community of palaeontologists in South America, many of them working on the evolution of Gondwana flora and fauna. Thus this meeting should incorporate a strong biological and palaeontological theme in addition to the basic and applied geological disciplines more usually involved in Gondwana series conferences.
There will be several thematic sessions that incorporate Ordovician and Silurian palaeontology, palaeogeography and palaeoclimate and are relevant to IGCP 503, e.g., “Palaeozoic biota: biogeography and diversity patterns”, “Gondwana palaeogeography and palaeoclimate”, “Gondwana basins: sedimentary record, high resolution stratigraphy, correlations and tectonics”.

6th Baltic Stratigraphical Conference

St. Petersburg, Russia

August 19–21, 2005: Field trip: Cambrian, Ordovician and Quaternary of Leningrad District
August 23–25, 2005: Conference

The 6th Baltic Stratigraphical Conference will cover a wide range of topics, with particular emphasis on the sedimentary basin stratigraphy of Baltic and neighbouring regions. The number of sessions and
topics of symposia will be specified according to the preferences of registered participants. During the pre-conference field trip, participants will observe a complete succession of Cambrian and Ordovician rocks exposed in the St. Petersburg region. Aspects of palaeontology, biostratigraphy, sequence stratigraphy, sedimentary environments and sea-level changes will be discussed in a range of facies from the cool water to tropical carbonates.

Download Field Guide of the Ordovician Excursion

The Fifth International Brachiopod Congress

Copenhagen, Denmark (field exursions to Sweden and Estonia)

June 27–July 3, 2005: Field trip to see the Silurian of Gotland
July 3–7, 2005: The Conference
July 9–12, 2005: Field Trip to Estonia

During the Congress a special session devoted on Ordovician and Silurian brahiopods was organised by Dave Harper.

IGCP 503 Annual Meeting and Field Excursion

Cincinnati and Milwaukee, United States

June 15-18, 2005: Conference in Milwaukee
June 11-14, 2005: Field Excursion to Cincinnati region

Image Gallery
Download abstracts volume
Conference website
